Upcoming Shows

Motor City Gold wants to sincerely thank all of our friends, family, and fans who have come to see us perform in the past and still support us to this day, you have our heartfelt thanks!!!!!!!!! 


Sat, Feb 14th                                                 House of Blues                                                    9pm-12am
                                                                            308 Euclid Ave 
                                                                            Cleveland, OH 44114

Fri, Feb 28th                                                 St. Ambrose Parish                                            7pm-9:30pm
                                                                            929 Pearl Road
                                                                            Brunswick, OH 44212
​                                                                       Mardi Gras Celebration 

Sat, March 15th                                            Private Party********                                   ********

Fri, March 28th                                            Holiday Inn Rockside                                        9pm-1am
                                                                              Club Impulse
                                                                              6001 Rockside Rd.
                                                                              Independence, OH 44131

Sat, May 23rd                                             Private Party********                                   *********

Sat, May 31st                                              House of Blues                                                       9pm-12am
                                                                              308 Euclid Ave 
                                                                              Cleveland, OH 44114

Sat, June 21st                                             Private Party********                                     *********

Sat, July 5th                                               Private Party********                                    ********

Fri,  July 25th                                             City of Barberton                                                    7pm-9pm
                                                                           Lake Anna Gazebo
                                                                           615 W Park Ave.
                                                                           Barberton, OH  44203

Sat, Aug 9th                                                House of Blues                                                         9pm-12am
                                                                               308 Euclid Ave                                                                               Cleveland, OH 44114

Sat, Aug 30th                                               Caddy Shack                                                           TBA
                                                                             Kelly's Island
                                                                             115 Division St
                                                                            Kelleys Island, OH 43438

Sat, Sept  13th                                               House of Blues                                                        9pm-12am
                                                                              308 Euclid Ave 
                                                                              Cleveland, OH 44114

Sat, Sept 27th                                              Old River Yacht Club                                            8:30pm-12:30am
                                                                           4900 Whiskey Island Dr.
                                                                            Cleveland, OH  44102          

​​Sat, Oct  11th                                                 House of Blues                                                         9pm-12am
                                                                              308 Euclid Ave 
                                                                              Cleveland, OH 44114

                                                                           Hello Friends and Family,​

Well, well, well 2025, unbelievable these years are flying by soooooo fast we can't keep up.  As always we will continuously work on  new material and whatever is needed to keep our show fresh. We will keep going as long as we can with fun and good music, and of course dancing.  We still want to try new things and hopefully some new venues as well.  We are going to work hard in 2025 God willing, and just make a great time out of it!!!!!

As always, thanks for always supporting us, asking how we are doing, and wanting to see us again, we miss you all too!!!!!!   WE APPRECIATE YOU ALL!!!!

Love Motor City Gold


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